Somebody Pinch Me!!
Hi everyone! I am home and feeling fantastic...except that I got ZERO sleep last night. Not from pain, just not being in my own bed. Was walking late afternoon and when I couldn't sleep I walked the halls as much as possible. That dang catheter is a b****! They yanked that out this morniung at 6:00. Dr. Harris came for a visit & said all went beautifully, and it did, thanks to his God-guided hands and everyone's prayers. Took me down for my leak test...and the glorious contrast beverage 7:30. All was perfect and pretty cool to watch. Peed a few times to make everyone happy & went home at 1:00! YAY ME! Now it's off to bed for some rest. May get up later tonight to had soem more water & back to the sack. My mailbox is full of PMs and emails. I'm sorry I won't get to them right away. I will post more tomorrow so I address each & every one of you and thank you properly. Suzanne is a perfect angel. Love you girl!!
Hey Beck? Glad to see you posted & are doing well also. Love ya!
Welcome home, Sweet Peanie! I was thinking of you all day! I will let you get your rest and play some catch up, but I want to remind you to walk around a bit every hour and to sip just about constantly! The biggest risk to your feeling good right now is not getting in enough fluids! Then comes not walking enough. SO PLEASE make sure you do plenty of both.
OK, this mother hen will back off now!
Love you lots!